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Getting notifications of my own replies

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DOS Gamer Group Message

GeeTee 6,734
DOS Gamer Pro
Location: Australia
Member Since: 10th Jun 2008
Posts: 84

Posted - Friday, 23rd December 2022 - 12:36
Typically I'd expect to only be notified of activity from others.

CyberAxe 890
DOS Gamer Staff
Location: Ukraine
Member Since: 5th May 2000
Posts: 680

Posted - Friday, 23rd December 2022 - 14:06
this one is now fixed Thumbs Up

GeeTee 6,734
DOS Gamer Pro
Location: Australia
Member Since: 10th Jun 2008
Posts: 84

Posted - Friday, 23rd December 2022 - 14:44

CyberAxe 890
DOS Gamer Staff
Location: Ukraine
Member Since: 5th May 2000
Posts: 680

Posted - Friday, 23rd December 2022 - 14:54
a recent change broke this, it is fixed temporarily but only for OP, additional participant notifications will be coming back in the next day or so.

GeeTee 6,734
DOS Gamer Pro
Location: Australia
Member Since: 10th Jun 2008
Posts: 84

Posted - Friday, 23rd December 2022 - 23:47
Related: I appreciate the Mark All Read button is there but shouldn't a notification become automatically marked as read when I click it in the Notifications list?

GeeTee 6,734
DOS Gamer Pro
Location: Australia
Member Since: 10th Jun 2008
Posts: 84

Posted - Friday, 23rd December 2022 - 23:58
Also related: No notification received for the recent News update. I only found it by randomly browsing.

CyberAxe 890
DOS Gamer Staff
Location: Ukraine
Member Since: 5th May 2000
Posts: 680

Posted - Wednesday, 4th January 2023 - 13:06
Notifications should now be fully working Thumbs Up

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